Embedding JSON-LD in Blogger / Blogspot

Last updated September 7, 2019 by Patrick Coombe

We recently received an email from a jsonld.com fan with a very common question, so I thought I’d address it on our blog. Going to keep it short and sweet.

Roberto asked:

In short, he wanted to know if it is possible to insert JSON-LD into a Blogspot. I wasn’t sure, so I gave it a try with a very old blogspot account I had laying around from the olden days.

Switch from “compose” to “HTML” and insert your JSON-LD. Save your work and hit “publish” or “save.”


A lot of website builder frameworks strip out <scripts> so I wasn’t sure if it would pass, but low and behold it did!

It isn’t ideal to keep the script inside the body, but this works. I’m not sure if it is possible to insert a script “sitewide” in Blogger, if someone knows it better than I do, let me know and I’ll update this post.

Also if you know of a better way to insert JSON-LD in a Blogger / Blogspot feel free to reach out!

Thank you all.

Published by

Patrick Coombe

I'm so passionate about what I do I've actually injured myself in the process. I am not a robot.  Founder of @elitestweets 

One thought on “Embedding JSON-LD in Blogger / Blogspot”

  1. you can used conditional tags, for example diplaying on post only

    or used homepage tags to show only in homepage

    same with labels,Pages..but i think labels is more dificult to aply

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